Brønderslev Disc Golf Park
© Brønderslev Disc Golf Park  Photo: Brønderslev Disc Golf Park

Brønderslev Disc Golf Park

Enjoy a few hours in the scenic town of Brønderslev with a game of disc golf. Disc golf is a fun and challenging sport that combines elements of golf and frisbee. The game is played on a course where players throw special frisbee discs towards a metal basket in as few throws as possible.


Enjoy a few hours in the scenic town of Brønderslev with a game of disc golf. Disc golf is a fun and challenging sport that combines elements of golf and frisbee. The game is played on a course where players throw special frisbee discs towards a metal basket in as few throws as possible.

The course typically consists of 9 or 18 holes, each with a starting position and a target basket. Event-Park Løkken has provided baskets along with their expertise.

The course offers medium-long holes, providing plenty of opportunities to practice your skills along the way.

The goal is to complete the course in the fewest throws possible. Players start from a marked position and throw their disc towards the target, which can be located in varied terrain such as open grassy areas, wooded areas, or hills. Disc golf is known to be a social sport that can be played by people of all ages and skill levels.

Hole 1 is located at NIH's parking lot, Parkvej 61, 9700 Brønderslev, where there is an information sign with an overview of the course. See the course overview via the link below.

Course Overview

Score Card


Disc bag rent: 50 DKK per person.

The bag contains a driver, midrange and putter. Call phone +45 29 44 66 25 for more information.

Use of the Disc Golf course is free

Longitude: 9.9463763

Latitude: 57.27723789

Last updated by

Destination NORD

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