Canoe/Kayak Trip: Tour from Nysted easterm direction, approx. 15 km
Did you know, that you can see this route and many other nature experiences in the app “Naturlandet”. The app can be downloaded in App Store or Google Play. All information is accessible in English, Danish and German – the app is FOR FREE.
Parking / starting point:
Nysted Roklub, Strandvejen 4, 4880 Nysted
Special conditions:
Please be aware that once out of Nysted you are in open sea. Only by northern winds you will have a bit of shelter along the coast. The trip to Rødsand can only be executed during very calm weather as the return trip from Rødsand is completely open from all wind directions.
Protection and respect:
You should be aware that practically all the small islands throughout the area are nature conservation areas. The island of Lindholm is a conservation area and you are not permitted to go ashore. Access on the isthmus of Hyldekrog is forbidden from March 1 to July 15. It is not allowed to go ashore at Rødsand from March 1 to September 30. It is not allowed to sail between Sandager Harbourand Errindlev Harbour from March 1 to July 15.
Tour description and experiences:
The eastern tour exits from Nysted Rowing Club, past Skansen and go past Holten Beach. Then proceed around a small island and back to Nysted. East of Holten Beach and around the island there are quite a few large stones, so take special care in this area. East of the island you often see seals sunbathing on the stones. Please note that the water level at Holten Beach can be very low parts of the year.