The Dancer
"Danserinden" (The Dancer) was created by C. J. Bonnesen and placed in Kildeparken in 1936. The statue is a memorial for Elna Lassen, a young prima donna from the Danish Ballet who studied in both the US and Paris.
While at the height of her career in 1930, Elna Lassen killed herself in her Copenhagen apartment due to private sorrows.
Four years later, a competition focused on creating a memorial for her was arranged, and Bonnesen participated with "Danserinden". However, he did not win the competition. Instead, his sculpture was placed in Kildeparken, where it is still enjoyed by many visitors.
Kildeparken is a well known park in Aalborg, as it is used for Aalborg Carnival once every year. While in Kildeparken, you should consider paying a visit to the park of music.