Fredericia Taxi
©  Photo: VisitFredericia

Fredericia Taxi

If you need a taxi in the Little Belt area, Taxa Syd covers both Fredericia and Middelfart. See more at

Fredericia Taxi: +45 75 50 34 11

Middelfart Taxi: +45 64 41 40 55

Arriving on a cruise?

Book a taxi from Fredericia Taxa if you want a flexible excursion on your own. Book in advance or decide after you have arrived in Fredericia. In either case the taxis will pick you up on the cruise quay right by the ship. 

The taxis accept all major credit cards. 

To pre-book a taxi contact Fredericia Taxa. If you have any questions just call or mail VisitFredericia in advance or ask in the information booth on the quay. 




Longitude: 9.76161003112793

Latitude: 55.561758706856

Last updated by

Destination Trekantområdet – VisitFredericia

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