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Galleri Rita Lund Malerier

Gallery with paintings by artist Rita Lund.

Open all year when the sign is out, - if not, please make an appointment.

About the artist

Rita Lund was born in Elsinore. She is represented in various collections in Denmark and abroad, as well as in companies, art associations, institutions and municipalities across the country.

Rita Lund works and lives on Ærø, in the best possible environment for her as an artist, surrounded by her greatest source of inspiration: the sea and the light.

She bases her work on a motif, but it is the colors, the light and the mood of the painting that are crucial to her. The constant influence of nature, the changing colors and light of the seasons is a constant inspiration in her work.

About painting itself, it is for her a necessity, a way of expression, a tangible result after a process of creation, which, incidentally, can be quite difficult to get through, but which she never questions the necessity of.


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