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Lifeguards Along the Danish Riviera - Swim Safely

In North Zealand, you can safely swim at the beaches. Highly trained coastal lifeguards are ready to help if needed. Find out where and when you can meet the lifeguards and swim safely.

24 beaches with lifeguards in North Zealand

Are you heading to the beach for a swim? The entire North Zealand coastline is lined with beautiful sandy beaches from Nivå in the east to Hundested in the west. But there is a sense of security in knowing that a lifeguard is watching over.

In North Zealand, there are a total of 24 beaches with lifeguards. Both at the large, popular beaches and the small, intimate ones. So there's plenty to choose from - even if you want to swim safely.

Highly trained lifeguards

When you encounter a lifeguard from the North Zealand Coastal Rescue Service (DNK), the lifeguard has undergone elite training. This means that the lifeguard is trained to perform rescue operations on the coast.

The in-depth knowledge of the beaches and local conditions by the North Zealand Coastal Rescue Service helps lifeguards ensure the safety of beachgoers.

Have you talked to your lifeguard today?

You can also do a lot to take care of yourself and others, so a rescue operation isn't necessary. It is important for the lifeguard's preventive work to have good contact with the beach's guests. Therefore, talk to your lifeguard - learn about the local conditions, water quality, weather, etc.

When is the lifeguard at the beach?

Lifeguards are at the beaches during the school holidays and most weekends in the summer months. If you want to be sure that there is a lifeguard on the beach, check out the North Zealand Coastal Rescue Service.

Which beaches have lifeguards?

There are lifeguards at 24 beaches in North Zealand, such as Liseleje Strand, Tisvildeleje, and Nivå Strand.

Check out the full list of beaches with lifeguards:

Beaches with lifeguards in North Zealand

List of beaches in North Zealand - both with and without lifeguards

The five bathing rules

You can help lifeguards by following these rules:

  • Learn to swim so you can save yourself
  • Do not go into the water alone - keep an eye on each other
  • Find out about wind and water before going swimming
  • Get to know the beach - ask your lifeguard
  • Watch out for the children

Would you like an ice cream?

An ice cream goes perfectly with a trip to the beach - before, during, or after. Check out our guide to good ice cream parlors in North Zealand.

The oldest coastal rescue service in Denmark

The North Zealand Coastal Rescue Service has almost a hundred years of experience in rescue operations at the beaches of North Zealand. It is the oldest coastal rescue service in Denmark, and the first lifeguards arrived in Hornbæk and Tisvildeleje in 1931.

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