Min Købmand Bjerregaard
At Min Købmand in Bjerregaard you will always find a nice selection of groceries in good quality from well-known brands. In the store you will always be greeted by smiling staff who are happy to help you. In addition, you will also always find sharp prices, and fresh items on the shelves.
At Min Købmand in Bjerregård you will find a large selection of groceries and fresh fruit and vegetables. On the shelves you will therefore always find everything you need, even if you lack milk or inspiration for dinner.
The items on the shelves are adapted to local needs, and of course always at a good price.
In addition, freshly baked bread is also delivered every morning from Ejvinds Bageri.
In the grocery store you will also always be greeted by smiling staff who are happy to answer your questions and help you find what you are just missing.
Beside Min Købmand there is a Fish Shop called Bjerregaard Røgeri with delicious fresh smoked fish as well as fresh fish.