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Self-guided City walk in Rudkøbing

Follow the Town- and Park trails 2,1 km. and learn more about Rudkøbing then and now.

The trails are marked with characteristic signs in the road that guide you through the city. You can see from one sign to the next and thereby find your way. On the sign posts, there are information about what you see.

Harbour life

Until 1980, Rudkøbing Havn was a lively fishing port. Today, the harbour is mostly used for recreational fishing and is visited by up to 4,500 recreational boats every year.

Did you know: That there was a railway on Langeland until 1962? It carried passengers and goods across the island to Spodsbjerg and south towards Bagenkop.

H. C. Ørsted’s early life

Hans Christian Ørsted discovered elec-tromagnetism, and his brother Anders Sandøe Ørsted revolutionised legal theory. They were both born in the towns old apothecary.

Can you find: There are depictions of butterflies everywhere in Rudkøbing – how many can you find on your walk?On Langeland, the butterfly is conside-red a homage to Hans Christian Ørsted, who is often associated with the word “butterfly”.

Buildings and squares

Rudkøbing offers an array of splendid and well-preserved old buildings and squares. Get to know more about their history and experience how locals and tourists use the sites of the town today.

Can you find: Hans Christian Ørsted at Gåsetorvet (The Goose Square) and Englen med fuglen i hånden/Amorin-brønden (The Angel with the Bird / The Cupids’ Well)?

Sights and museums

In the middle of the city’s teeming shopping street you will find a branch of the Langeland Museum, which has changing exhibitions as well as activities for children.

Did you know: that the museum has a lovely garden to discover and explore?

The efforts of enthusiasts

Langeland is distinguished by the works of many enthusiasts and volun-teers, who are instrumental in fostering remarkable communities.

Did you know: that the island’s cine-ma and cultural centre, Ørstedspavillion, (The Ørsted Pavilion), was founded and is run by volunteers?

Download and print the route (pdf A4)

More Hidden Stories

Discover more hidden stories from Langeland at www.govisitlangeland.com/past

The project Langelands Hidden Stories is supported by the Danish Outdoor Council and developed by VisitLangeland and Langelands Museum.

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