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Tejn Havn
maximum stay - 150 days. The harbour is undoubtedly the most clam harbour in all kinds of weather. Tejn Harbour may be entered during all weather and wind conditions. When North and NE-ly winds prevail, care should be taken if the wind force is 20c/sec. or above.ly wind caution is advised as Large fishing harbour with 85 berths, but visiting boats may omly use the east harbour. May be entered day and night, allowances being made for wind, current and visibility. Compass variation cam occur. Hammerodde Lighthouse will guide boats in during approach. During approach, the harbour's light beacons line up to guide boats between the rocks at 144.4 degrees. Im calm wiather, a gentle surface current in the Baltic Sea sets around Bornholm in a WSW-ly direction toward the Sound, the Great Belt and the Little Belt. A ctane is available that can handle up to 10 tons (mobile). Slopway for ships up to 400 tons.